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Personal Mythology 

Using Ritual, Dreams, and Imagination to Discover Your Inner Story 
Revised Third Edition
By David Feinstein, PhD & Stanley Krippner, PhD

The Genie in Your Genes 

Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention 
By Dawson Church, PhD

Through a series of detailed exercises, using ritual, dreams and imagination, this revised version of a life-changing classic liberates you from the mythologies of your childhood and culture, to ignite the mystery of a transformed inner life in authentic outer expression.

A remarkable 12-week program that will teach you how to tap into deep sources of wisdom and find greater fulfillment in these challenging times


Personal Growth * Trade Paper * 7″ x 9″ * 15 Illustrations * 352 p * 978-1-60415-036-0

There are around 100 genes that turn on within a few seconds of each thought or feeling you have; many of these genes affect the immune system. This book shows how to turn this to your advantage, engaging in conscious genetic interventions that support health.


Health * Softcover * 6″ x 9″ * 110 Illustrations * 400 p * 978-1-60070-011-7 * $17.95 * Shipping Now * MORE

The Energy of Belief 

Psychology’s Power Tools to Focus Intention and Release Blocking Beliefs 
By Mary Sise, LCSW and Shelia Bender, PhD

The Human Antenna 

Reading the Language of the Universe in the Songs of Our Cells 
By Dr. Robin Kelly

Sise and Bender lay out a series of simple exercises that allow people in distress to quickly feel major physical and psychological shifts by holding their bodies in certain ways while taking deep breaths. Their book is packed with real-life case histories of clients who were not helped by the forms of therapy, but for whom the authors’ technique, energy-TAB, produced miraculous results.


Psychology * Shipping Now * Trade Paper * 6″ x 9″ * 35 illustrations * 300 p * 978-1-60415-019-3 * 300 pages * 6″ x 9″  * MORE

A compelling blueprint for deep healing in the 21st century. Dr. Robin Kelly draws from current science and 30 years of experience in conventional medicine to show that our bodies are truly human antennae, bound together by connective tissue that acts as a conductor of information from the universe around us.


Biology/Spirituality * Shipping Now * Trade Paper * 6″ x 9″ * 20 illustrations * 336 p * 978-1-60415-016-2 *

The Great Field 

Soul at Play in a Conscious Universe 
By John James, PhD

The New IQ 

How Integrity Intelligence Serves You, Your Relationships and Our World 
By David Gruder, PhD

Science has proven that vast domains of energy exist within the material world of our senses. In this book, therapeutic experience is combined with scientific evidence to create a general theory of how this Great Field is the foundation of everything in the universe— including the personal energy we call soul.


Psychology/Spirituality * Shipping Now * Trade Paper * 6″ x 9″ * 40 illustrations * 360 p * 978-1-60415-015-5 * $16.95

A practical roadmap for personal development in the 21st century. Gruder streamlines the wealth of psychological and spiritual wisdom already available and reframes it within the context of our core human drives for authentic self-expression, connection with others, and to make a positive difference in the world. Through this lens he helps readers to identify which methods are best for them at each stage of their own process.


Personal Growth * Shipping Now * Trade Paper * 6″ x 9″ * 15
illustrations * 336 p * 978-1-60415-013-1

Second Chance at Your Dream 

Engaging Your Body’s Energy Resources for Optimal Aging, Creativity and Health 
By Dorothea Hover-Kramer, Ed.D., RN

Invisible Roots 

How Healing Past Life Trauma can Liberate Your Present 
By Barbara Stone, PhD

This book provides a new template for the second half of life, one that it is bursting with energy, health, power, creativity and new beginnings. Rather than settling for less than our dreams, it fills us with the expectation that this period is our second chance to do, and to be, all the things we’ve ever dreamed of and more!


Aging * Shipping Now * Trade Paper * 6″ x 9″ * 36 Illustrations
* 248 p * 978-1-60415-038-4

In Dr. Stone’s psychotherapy practice, she encountered clients whose emotional trauma was linked to memories of previous lifetimes, and could only be relieved by working with those long-buried memories. This eloquent book contains many extended case studies of therapy involving several past lives, and provides a resource for therapists and clients seeking to find answers to therapeutic puzzles rooted in this mysterious phenomenon.


Psychology/Spirituality * Shipping Now * Trade Paper * 6″ x 9″ * 36 Illustrations * 300 p * 978-1-60415-018-6

Heal Your Mind, Rewire Your Brain 

Applying the Exciting New Science of Brain Plasticity for Creativity, Peace and Presence 
By Patt Lind-Kyle, MA

Body Eloquence 

The Power of Myth and Story to Awaken the Body’s Energies 
By Nancy Mellon, MFT with Ashley Ramsden

Applies the latest exciting scientific discoveries in a practical, step-by-step program that literally rewires neural connections in the brain for greater happiness and health.


Health/Psychology * Shipping Now * Hardcover * 6″ x 9″ * 32 Illustrations
* 253 p * 978-1-60415-056-8 * $26.95 * MORE

Have you ever had an ache or pain, and wished your body could talk to you and tell you what was wrong? Drawing from mythology, medicine, biology and energetic healing, this book shows the messages that our organs are communicating to us.


Health/Alternative Medicine * Shipping Now * Trade Paper * 7″ x 10″ * 15 Illustrations * 260 p * 978-1-60415-028-5 * $18.95 * MORE

Creating Healing Relationships 

Professional Standards for Energy Therapy Practitioners 
By Dorothea Hover-Kramer, EdD, RN, DCEP

Ethics Handbook for Energy Healing Practitioners 

By David Feinstein, PhD, with Donna Eden

Written by the co-founder of ACEP, the professional organization for Energy Psychology, this is the first book to seriously address the need for professional standards in the rapidly growing field of energy healing.


Professional/Psychology * Shipping Now * Hardcover * 6″ x 9″ * 256 p * 978-1-60415-080-3

This comprehensive, case-oriented guide allows veterans of the field and newcomers alike to work through a wide range of ethical dilemmas before they arise, helping you to prevent professional errors that could hurt you, your clients, and your practice.


Professional/Alternative Medicine * Shipping Now * Hardcover * 6″ x 9″ * 210 p * 978-1-60415-083-4 * $39 * MORE

The Human Hologram 

Living Your Life in Harmony with the Unified Field 
By Dr. Robin Kelly

Overcoming Adversity 

By Caroline Sakai

A London-trained physician presents evidence that our physical bodies are perpetually being formed upon an invisible field of information, and that as our consciousness interacts with that field, we can optimize our health.


Professional/Alternative Medicine * Shipping Now * Softcover * 6″ x 9″ * 256 p * 978-1-60415-062-9

In the gut-wrenching stories of patients told by psychologist Dr. Caroline Sakai in this riveting book, you’ll see the full range of human misery. Stories range from that of Josh, suicidal after fighting depression for years to Angelique, whose entire village was slaughtered during the Rwandan genocide. Yet both Josh and Angelique, as well as two dozen others whose cases are told in fascinating detail, recovered completely.


Professional/Alternative Medicine * Shipping Now * Paperback * 9″ x 1″ x 9″ * 300 p * 978-1604152487

EFT For Series

The EFT Manual 

By Dawson Church, PhD

EFT for Back Pain

By Dawson Church, PhD

This is a new and completely revised edition of the original manual for Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), one of the most successful psychology self-help techniques ever developed. Thousands of people tell amazing stories of how it has helped them with psychological problems like anxiety, depression, phobias, and PTSD, as well as physical problems like pain and stress. Author Dawson Church is the best-known researcher in the field, and this manual is based on Clinical EFT, the only version of EFT to be validated in dozens of scientific studies. Step by step, you will learn the “evidence-based” form of EFT used in those studies.


Health / Psychology * Trade Paper * 374p * 978-1604152142 * MORE

Why use EFT for back pain? Back pain afflicts over 80% of adults at some point in their lives, and is the second most common reason for doctor visits. Back pain costs the world economy over two hundred billion dollars per year. For more than a decade, back pain sufferers have been reporting quick shifts after using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). How is EFT able to accomplish the relief of back pain, even in people who’ve suffered from it continuously for years? Here author Dawson Church, a researcher who has published clinical trials on EFT for pain, provides a guide to identifying the emotional root causes of your pain, and releasing them.


Health / Psychology * Trade Paper * 292p * 978-1604152197 * MORE


By Dawson Church, PhD

EFT for Procrastination

By Gloria Arenson, MFT

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a terrible burden to bear. It not only affects people psychologically, robbing them of peace of mind and inner tranquility; it damages them physically. Traumatic stress can result from negative emotional experiences during childhood. It can also arise in adults as a result of war, assault, or similarly traumatic experiences. In scientific studies of war veterans, refugees and other traumatized groups conducted by respected researcher Dawson Church, EFT has been shown to reduce or eliminate PTSD symptoms, sometimes in just a few short sessions. It is based on Clinical EFT, the only version of EFT to be validated in dozens of scientific studies.


Health / Psychology * Trade Paper * 290p * 978-1604152166 * MORE

Break free from the guilt and shame of not doing what needs to be done! EFT can rapidly eliminate the fears that hold you back. In [i]EFT for Procrastination[/i], psychotherapist Gloria Arenson shows you the hidden programs that lie in your subconscious, sabotaging your best intentions. Using dozens of real-life case histories of people who’ve overcome procrastination, she reveals the deep childhood roots of these behaviors and provides dozens of simple yet proven practices to create fast and permanent change.EFT is magic for many psychological and physical problems and this is the first book to apply EFT’s breakthroughs in ways that can help you overcome even a lifetime of procrastination.


Self-Help / Psychology * Trade Paper * 217p * 978-1604150421 * MORE

EFT for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue 

By Dawson Church, PhD

EFT for the Highly Sensitive Temperament 

By Rue Hass

EFT is a breakthrough treatment for fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and similar conditions. This book is packed with heartbreaking stories by former sufferers, talking about the pain, despair, and limitation they lived through before finding EFT. After EFT, many report complete or partial remission, even though fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue are labeled “incurable” by the US National Institutes of Health and many medical professionals. This book will teach you the steps of the method they used. It’s called “Clinical EFT” because it has been validated in dozens of clincal trials, including one showing that fibromyalgia sufferers experienced much less pain, anxiety and depression after learning EFT, with many recovering completely.


Health / Psychology * Trade Paper * 170p * 978-1604150445 * MORE

Are you very sensitive to your own feelings and the feelings of those around you? Do you get overwhelmed by external stimuli, such as crowds, loud sounds and hectic environments? Are you deeply affected by the beauty of art, literature, music and nature? Do you get stressed easily? Do you suffer from feelings of inadequacy and sadness? Do you always seek deep and meaningful relationships? If so, you may have a highly sensitive temperament (HST). HSTs are a recently-recognized personality type and face many challenges in a world that is full of overwhelming stimuli. Yet HSTs can learn to survive and be successful.The breakthrough techniques of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) are a powerful resource for HSTs.


Self-Help / Psychology * Trade Paper * 200p * 978-16041504697 * MORE

EFT for Weight Loss 

By Dawson Church, PhD

EFT for the Highly Sensitive Temperament 

By Dawson Church, PhD

Weight loss is one of the most frustrating problems imaginable. People trying to lose weight usually fail, and most wind up weighing more than before. Not with EFT! Several studies show that by using the method in this book, called “Clinical EFT” because it’s the only version of EFT validated in dozens of clinical trials, you can lose weight, and keep it off permanently. One study found that people lost an average of 11 lb. in the year after a Clinical EFT weight loss program. In this book you’ll hear from dozens of people who lost weight successfully with EFT. Their deeply moving stories tell how many other parts of their lives improved too, from skin tone to marriage, from self-confidence to financial abundance.


Health / Psychology * Trade Paper * 310p * 978-1604152159 * MORE

Love relationships are better with EFT. EFT helps remove the emotional charge of old childhood wounds, which surface in love relationships to sabotage intimacy. Free from the traumas of our history, we bring real present-time attention to our loved ones. This is a guide for both couples and single people on maximizing their relationship joy using EFT.


Relationships / Psychology * Feb 2016 * 220p * $14.95 * MORE

EFT for Sports Performance 

By Jessica Howard

EFT for Teens 

by Peta Stapleton

Turbocharge your sports performance with EFT! EFT has been used by thousands of athletes to improve their performance, from Olympic stars to Little League baseball players. In this authoritative book, three-time US national champion rhythmic gymnast Jessica Howard shows how to eliminate the limiting beliefs that hold you back, control the anxiety that distracts your attention from high performance, and build a strong new self-image of yourself as an athlete of the highest caliber.


Sports / Psychology * Trade Paper * 308 p * 978-1604152173 * MORE

The teenage years hold all the promise of adulthood, as well as being a transition from childhood. Yet they’re also full of challenges; for teens themselves, for their parents, siblings, communities and friends. A story in Examiner.com calls Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT): “one of the most successful psychology self-help techniques ever developed.” It’s a powerful stress-reduction method that combines elements of proven psychotherapy methods with acupressure, fingertip tapping on acupuncture points. Over 100 scientific studies have shown that EFT is effective for many physical and psychological challenges, including anxiety, depression and stress. Studies with teens show that just a few minutes of EFT can erase stress related to: • Taking exams • Peer pressure •


225 pages * ISBN:978-1604152647 . MORE

EFT for Meditation 

By Charles and Carol Crenshaw

EFT for Meditation, by lifelong meditators and certified EFT practitioners Carol E. Crenshaw and Charles B. Crenshaw, Jr., combines tapping with meditation for the enhancement of both modalities. Those who meditate know that many obstacles to calming the mind and relaxing the body arise during meditation. EFT can help clear those obstacles by releasing doubts, fears, and emotional disturbances. For advanced meditators, beginning meditators, and EFT practitioners.


220 PAGES * ISBN 978-1604152623 * MORE

Where you can uplift your life through personal growth development techniques that unlock your true potential and total happiness. 

Our passion is to provide educational services and personal growth tools for relieving human suffering and unlocking human potential.
We are a respected provider of energy healing training to individuals, professionals, and organizations.
We train and educate our community in evidence-based methods using an interactive, customized, user-friendly learning environment and personalized mentoring for professionals and individuals.
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